Phoenix Business College
A business college program provides education above high school level in a much different setting than that of a regular modern university or college. Here, students are trained for a specific vocational aspect especially on clerical tasks like typing, stenography and simple bookkeeping. A high standard of education within a reasonable timeframe is offered so that students are job ready after graduation. Take note that credit earned at any business school is not credited to other universities and colleges. One cannot earn a Bachelor’s Degree though an Associate’s Degree is being offered.
The competition between Business Colleges and Community Colleges is beneficial to students. They are in competition not only in offering vocational courses and Liberal Arts classes but in offering classes at a lower rate. Subsequently, this will give the students many options to consider.
Through formal education there is a great chance of landing a great career. However that may not be necessarily the case all the time. To attain great career opportunities for advancement, what is more important is the quality of education.
Phoenix Business College sets a high standard of excellence when it comes to quality education. Its educational programs aim not just to improve one’s skills but also to develop strong interpersonal relationship and the opportunity to work well with people. They give more emphasis on self pace and individual competency. Through this, the student needs to learn at their own pace within a competency timeframe. What does this mean? It means that learning experience depends not only on your knowledge but your ability to fully utilize your skills to the max. The skills that will be applied to realistic task along with actual work experience allow for a smooth transition from College to workplace.
All courses are structured to embody a balance between practical skills and academic programs necessary to attain National recognized qualification. Phoenix Business College diplomas are a sure way to gain admission to renowned Australian Universities.
Phoenix Business College recognizes the importance of finding a suitable job after graduation. The school through its registered Recruitment Agency assists its graduates in finding a suitable position to match their skills. In that way, it is helping its graduates make their dream a reality.
Below is a check list of all courses being offered at Phoenix Business College. Just check out if one of them suits your need.
• Business Administration Courses
1. Business Administration.
2. Business Administration (Reception)
3. Business.
4. BA Education
5. BA Secretarial.
6. BA Secretarial inc. Cert II.
7. BA Legal
8. BA Medical
9. Diploma in Business
• Financial Services Courses
• Training and Assessment
• Short Courses
1. Microsoft Office
3. IC1 – Introduction to Computers
4. IC2 – Intermediate Computer Course
5. Back to Work Course